The Context

The music industry is now built on the streaming model (Spotify, Apple Music, etc.). This model undoubtedly offers undeniable benefits for both artists and users, particularly as it facilitates the global distribution of works and encourages discovery. However, it also presents several issues: extremely low compensation for the vast majority of artists, privileges granted to the industry's major players, "fake" streams that disadvantage emerging artists, the rise of AI-created music competing with human music, and increasingly passive listening habits.

Today, only a small fraction of artists manage to generate a decent income through this model, while the majority of independent musicians find themselves in precarious situations. Meanwhile, the three "majors" that control roughly 70% of the market rake in astronomical sums, primarily from the works of the past century. There is clearly a problem, and as in so many other areas of society, the time has come for a transition to models that are more respectful of both workers and the planet.  

From Music Makers to Music Lovers